Mine Clearance



The MV-10 Double Tool Mine Clearance System (MV-10) is designed to clear various types of terrain containing Anti-Personnel (AP) mines, Anti-Tank (AT) mines, and unexploded ordnance (UXO). Due to its exceptional power and high clearance rate, the MV-10 is suitable for mine clearance of large areas contaminated with all types of mines and UXOs. The operating tools for digging and mine clearance are fixed to the front of the system and are specifically designed to detonate or destroy mines and UXOs as the MV-10 moves forward. The MV-10 uses two tools – a rotating flail tool designed to activate or shatter AP and AT mines and a rotating tiller tool that performs secondary clearance and also always keeps the digging depth constant. The flail and the tiller unit can operate simultaneously or independent of one another. Additional tool attachments include the roller and blade/gripper unit.

Design – Not being a converted construction machine or tank, the original design